Bogan Bingo at The Redback

Made Ping Culture's top 1% of London

Open now
7:00 pm - 12:00 pm

London, Fulham

490, Fulham Rd, London, SW6 5NH


An undoubtedly unique night of entertainment


Forget what you think you know about bingo and prepare to experience the simmering chaos of the comedy game-show, Bogan Bingo. An undoubtedly unique night of entertainment delivered by two beer swillin' Aussie bingo callers with a passion for 80's and 90's anthems. ★★★★★ - Three Weeks ★★★★★ - The Argus ★★★★★ - Stagewon ★★★★ - Broadway Baby

Offers and rewards available for Bogan Bingo at The Redback

The app for accessing the top 1% of all venues in London.

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