Concorde 2

Made Ping Culture's top 1% of Brighton

Closed today


286A, Madeira Dr, Brighton, BN2 1EN


Brighton's No.1 Live Music Venue and Night club!


Over the last 21 years Concorde 2's stage has been graced with an astounding number of great bands! Now its time to hear what you - the public really think... SO - if you have been to a gig or club night at Concorde 2 recently we want to hear all about it! Use this group to send us your pictures, videos clips or even a review!


Concorde2 is Brighton's Number One Live Music Venue & Nightclub

Variety of bands that play regularly

Best place to party in Brighton


Free Wi-Fi

Music / Vibes

Background Music


Comfy seating


Additional Info

Offers and rewards available for Concorde 2

The app for accessing the top 1% of all venues in Brighton.

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